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Exploring Diversity and Inclusion through Coaching

Our coaching programme is ideal for any leader from the CEO to those new to management. It presents an opportunity to explore Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging as an individual, and as a leader in the workplace in a confidential, non-judgemental and informed way.

The Case for Diversity and Inclusion

McKinsey has been tracking gender and ethnic diversity and company performance over the last ten years and the data is compelling.

‘Companies with more than 30 percent women executives were more likely to outperform companies where this percentage ranged from 10 to 30, and in turn these companies were more likely to outperform those with even fewer women executives, or none at all. A substantial differential likelihood of outperformance—48 percent—separates the most from the least gender-diverse companies.

In the case of ethnic and cultural diversity, our business-case findings are equally compelling: in 2019, top-quartile companies outperformed those in the fourth one by 36 percent in profitability, slightly up from 33 percent in 2017 and 35 percent in 2014. As we have previously found, the likelihood of outperformance continues to be higher for diversity in ethnicity than for gender.’

It therefore makes sense that organisations that embrace diversity thoughtfully (not tick box) will bring different perspectives, reduce group think and better represent the society in which they operate. Greater inclusion, equity (fairness) and belonging raises engagement and performance.

Our Coaching Programme

Many managers and leaders are keen to know more about Diversity and Inclusion but are not sure where to start. Some people are wary of discussing this topic through fear of saying the ‘wrong thing’.

We offer three meetings with a coach to explore this important area through coaching. Our focus is on the individual themselves, their role as a leader and the workplace in which they operate. We encourage coachees to move to act on the insights that they develop through the process.

My background. Exploring the coachees background. What have been their experience of the advantages and disadvantages of their background? How have these shaped and impacted them professionally and as a leader?

My team and organisation. Exploring the coachees team and the broader organisation in which they work. How have they recruited people for their team? What is the diversity within the team and how has that affected and influenced the relationships and performance in the team?

Putting D&I into practice. What is the meaning behind the words Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging – what might they mean in practice? Taking the explorations of the first two coaching sessions, exploring what action can be taken personally, as a leader and within the team to make diversity and inclusion a normal integrated part of working life.

Coaching is delivered via our online platform, Coaching on Demand but we can also arrange face to face coaching.

All our programmes are delivered by qualified executive coaches from a diverse background who are able to bring experience to the exploration of Diversity and Inclusion. Our coaches bring considerable business experience across a range of industries and importantly have all lead teams and organisations.

For more information about our Exploring Diversity and Inclusion through Coaching Programme please email:

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